
Monday, 30 June 2014

Current Events: Jacob S

Here is a google drawing on the current events that has been happening in New Zealand. Greg Brownson was awarded the pride of New Zealand Award.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Prezi on Bees: Faitele, Pah Nwee and Jacob

This is a prezi that Faitele, Pah Nwee and I made on prezi. It is about the importance of bees and pollination. Click here if you want to make a prezi.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Pollination: Pah Nwee & Jacob

What is pollination?
(Explain in 25 words)
Pollinators (Bees etc.) collect pollen from plants and put pollen on other plants so they can grow. Without pollen there wouldn't be plants and other things. 
25 words.

What role do bees have in plant reproduction?
(Explain in 25 words)
Bees fly to plants. They grab the pollen. Bees carry pollen to other plants. The pollen jumps on to the plant to help it grow. 
25 words

How plant reproduction processes produce and much of our food?
(Explain in 25 words)
Plant reproduction is creating more plants. More plants mean more fruits and more food that grow in the ground to eat. 
21 words

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Porquoi story: Jacob & Halatoa

How fire came to Samoa

Back, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young there was a man named Eta and his two sons called Tame and Meta. They lived in a small village on the island of Samoa.
The village worshipped Mafui’e, the earthquake goddess. They believed that Mafui’e had flames that would never go out. No one would eat their food cooked because they hadn't discovered fire.

Eta was always exhausted when he came back from work. His two sons asked him “why are you exhausted every time you come home, you do more work at work then at home.”. Their father replied “It is because I lift the wood and take all of it to the wood shops”. His two sons didn’t believe him so they had a plan to follow him so they can see what he does.

By the time their father bolted to work Tame and Meta were still sleeping because they stayed up all night planning. The next day they were wide awake before their father woke up. When Eta woke up he thought that he would ride the horse to work so he did. The two boys followed him silently. Eta heard some noises, he quickly some back and as fast as lighting, the boys hid behind a bumpy black rock. Tame asked Meta, “We should travel through the trees so we don’t get caught”.

When they climbed through all the trees they wondered why he was looking at a massive mountain. Their father stood there for 30 minutes until they heard him say “I call upon Mafui’e, the earthquake goddess, open the door”. Suddenly, Tame and Meta’s eyes opened up and they gazed at the mountain while the rocks moved and the doors slammed open. Eta walked through and his two sons followed him and tried to stay hidden.

By the time they strolled through the mountain their father was praying to Mafui’e. The boys could see a whole farm full of crops, animals and fire. They could smell the cooked food and straight away the leaped to eat it. Their father saw them and told them to go away and leave this food here. Tame asked him “Why don’t we have food like this at home”.  All of a sudden everyone could hear the loud footsteps of Mafui’e. “Why are you eating my food, who do you think you are, coming into my house and eating all my food”. Meta replied “Sorry sir, I mean mam, I just wanted to taste some cooked food”.

Mafui’e was angry so she tried to kill the two boys. Luckily they knew how to fight and they fought her until she gave up and let them have some fire.

Don’t be greedy and share because sharing is caring.

Maths Buddy: Jacob

Here is an image of my maths buddy results. I had to add, subtract, multiply, divide and round decimals.  For the first try I only got 60%. The next few tries I got 100%.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Digital Siapo Pattern: Jacob

This is what Puke and I did for Samoan language week. We created a digital siapo pattern using google draw.