Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
My art reflection By Jacob
Reflecting on my Tapa Cloth
1. Are you pleased with your Tapa Cloth? why / why not?
Yes because I like the way that the patterns are arranged and it took me a lot of work to do it.
2. What did you find easy when you were creating your Tapa?
I found bleaching my Tapa easy.
3. What did you find tricky when you were creating your Tapa?
I found drawing my Tapa tricky.
4. If you made another Tapa, what would you change and why?
The patterns.
5. Who / What has helped you in creating your Tapa?
Teagan helped me with my Tapa.
6. Did you use any of your own cultural patterns in your own Tapa? Which ones? What do they mean? If you didn’t use your cultural patterns, what did patterns did you use? Where did they come from?
I used some patterns from Samoa and Tonga.7. What geometric elements does your Tapa Cloth show? Reflection, Rotation, Translation.
I used Reflection, Rotation and Translation.
Room 5s favourite sports
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Birthdays in Room 5
My Mihi
My Mihi
Ko Jacob Toku Ingoa
Ko Stephens toku ingoa whanau
Tekau oku tau
Ko Tony toku matua
Ko Nyree toku whaea
Ko Stanley raua ko Paul oku Koro
Ko Lavinia raua ko Joan oku kuia
Ko mangarei te maunga
Ko tamaki te awa
Ko panmure Bridge toku kura
Ko Miss Paton toku kaiako
Ko Mr Johnston Te Tumiaki
Ko Ngatiwhatua te iwi
No Aotearoa Ahau
Kei Panmure toku kainga noho
He Parauri oku whatu
He Pango toku makawe
Ko Tevita toku hoa
Friday, 9 March 2012
Eastern Beach
My time at Eastern beach
Yahoo! We are going to Eastern beach today where the water
is as cold as ice blocks and the sun is hotter than fire. On
Monday the 27th febuary, the whole school went to the
amazing Eastern beach were there is blue water and white
clouds. I got to school and everyone was in mufti except for some people. The bell rang and every class was in lines. The bus was supposed come at 9:15. I was getting angry because the bus arrived late. The bus arrived at 9:38. We sat on the bus with room 6. Only some of room five hopped on the bus with room 6. The rest of room 5 hopped on another bus with room 7 and some parent helpers. Finally we arrived at Eastern beach. There was another school at Eastern beach. Now we are going to a shady area. Mr Johnston told us the rules when we got there. All of us had morning tea and then the other buses came. Next I played touch on the on the other volly ball court with Tevita, Henry, Kobe, Faitele, Teagan and Addnan. Tevita Addnan, and Henry was on my team. My team scored the first try. Then my team scored another try. Now more people came to play but we didn’t have enough space to play so we got some cones and played on the field. I had a quick snack before room 5 did the life jacket activity. Before we put on the life jackets, Mr Johnston showed us how to put them on. He used Quaid
for a demonstration to show us. Everyone rushed into the water when they put their life jacket on. The water was as cold as ice blocks when I hopped in. I kept on going deeper and deeper until I was flouting. Kifi and Teagan went the furtherest out. 20 Minutes later, Mr Johnston said, “life jacket people come and take your life jackets off. I was spinning then I hopped out and took my life jacket off. I had a drink and then went back into the water for a couple of minutes. I took my towel and my bag to a sunny area, put my towel down and ate some more lunch. My mum and dad went in the car and got me some Burger King. I played another game of touch. Now it is the second session of swimming, everyone went for another swim except for a little bit. I was in the water for 20 minutes and then I got changed. We waited for the bus for five minutes. We hopped on the bus then went back to school. It was the longest day of school.